Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Fashion Photography

Introduction to Fashion Photography

In 1856, Adolphe Braun published a book which contained the first fashion photography, this was the beginning of it all. The photographs in the book shows her in her official court garb making her the first fashion model.

Within the first decade of the 20th century, advancements in halftone printing (Arrangment of different coloured dots with different sizes to create a colour or an image) made them able to print fashion photography easier. Fashion photography began in French magazines with the name 'La Mode Practique'. In 1909, Condé Montrose Nast took over Vogue magazine which also helped to create Fashion photography.

Fashion photography was origionally introduced in black and white, but colour was soon use in -the genre.

There are many different genres of fashion photography such as:

  • Surreal
  • Exotic
  • Nude
  • Abstract
  • Retro
  • Erotic
  • Fantasy
All of these different genres are able to put across a totally different message.


Fashion photography can be used almost everywhere such as newspapers, bilboards, television or magazines, however this can depend on what sort of image t is as if it is a nude or erotic photo then maybe it shouldn't be displayed publicly.


Almost all images used in Fashion Photography will be editted in some way as it can make an image a lot more attractive to anyone that looks at the image, it can als give it a totally different feeling. They can also edit things in or out of the image if they want to. Here is an example of an image before and after editing.


  1. Wednesday PM

    Add Titles to all posts
    1st Add the Context section for photoJournalism
    2nd Portraite post
    3rd Art

    Context = How we see it
    Tech= How the image is produced
